Frequently Asked Questions

  • Please email us at or use our "Contact" page on our website and provide us your address so we can get a shipping quote for you. We will then update our website with your city / country

  • Swordrill TG fits the Shimano Tiagra 50w & 80w, Tyrnos 50, TLD 50

    Swordrill TL fits the Shimano Talica 50

  • The Swordrill fishing reel drill adaptors are most commonly used for Swordfish where standard electric reels are not designed for. Electric reels for Swordfish range around $5,000-15,000

    These drill adaptors are a cheaper alternative for people who want to still fight the fish using stand up gear

    These fishing reel drill apaptors are also IGFA compliant

  • We currently do not have a Swordrill to fit other brands but will do in future. Message us using our "Contact" page with what reel you are interested in so we know what reels we need to do next!

  • The Swordrill fishing reel drill adaptors are mainly used for deep sea fishing where the depth is between 200-1000m deep. They are used to retrieve the bait faster and easier. Hand cranking this depth takes a lot of time and effort and reduces your time fishing.

    Other uses are respooling reels, retrieving kites and lures in the spread and fishing off the beach where you want to retrieve a long line

  • Most battery drills used at home or for construction are suitable. The Swordrill's will fit a 3/8" drill chuck. It is recommended to only use the drill on "Low" speed

  • The Swordrill fishing reel drill attachments are designed and manufactured in New Zealand. They are made from marine grade stainless steel for strength and corrosion resistance and high density polymer to not damage your fishing reel. The Swordrill fishing reel adaptors have a simple 1 click system making it very easy to get on and off the reel

    The Swordrill has been designed to be an improved version of the Reel Crankie. Strength, durability, usability, ease-of-use and quality